November 6th, 2017

6 Things I’ve Learned in 6 Months of Travel

I left New York on April 29; this month in Chiang Mai is my seventh on the road. I’m not quite halfway through—currently planning to head back sometime in June probably—but it seems like a good moment to pause and take stock.

I was feeling a bit melancholy in September, thinking about how I don’t feel [Read More]

July 3rd, 2017

Hallo, Berlin!!!

I’m not just being lazy with my post title here; they really do say hallo, and it’s a mercy because every other German word is beyond me. But language struggles aside, we’ve been here two days, and I’m a little obsessed with Berlin. 

I was definitely ready to leave Prague. It has its highlights [Read More]

June 14th, 2017

Traveling with Steamer-Trunk-Sized Emotional Baggage

People always say you can’t run away from your problems, but I’ve done a pretty damn good job of it over the years. When life gets messy, travel. When life turns catastrophic, move. I took Cher’s mantra in Mermaids (a classic) to heart: “Death is dwelling on the past or staying in one place too [Read More]

May 10th, 2017

If I’m the New Girl, Where’s My Tiara?

When I signed up for We Roam in March, I thought about joining their itinerary that launches in July, Orion. I knew I wanted to be gone for at least a year, and the idea of starting from the beginning with a group really appealed to me. But, once I decided to leave, I [Read More]